Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Eleven Months

This weekend marked the eleventh month our lives have been blessed by this cutie! Pictures are getting harder to capture, and I had to give her something to hold to distract her and keep her sitting still in the chair. We've been doing a lot of Texas Rangers Baseball celebrating lately, so our Texas shirt and baseball glove seemed appropriate! With eleven months comes a busier and more active little girl, who climbs in my Tupperware kitchen cabinet and pulls up on our master bath tub and loves turning the faucet on & off. She now loves being outside (which she was not so sure about at the beginning of the summer), and we've spent more time at the parks and in the swings. All in all, we're coming up with more and more things to do to keep this girl learning and growing.
 We still give her a bottle, but she loves most all table foods, especially chicken & eggs, cheese & Greek yogurt, and any type of cookie or cracker. Sometimes I don't know how she does it, because she finished off 3 chicken nuggets at Chick-fil-A today without any teeth! She has become a master at toothless chewing. But I'm not complaining...the longer without those teeth the more "baby" she looks, and I can hang on to those days for a little bit longer.
 She sleeps about 10-11 hours a night, and takes two 1-2 hour naps a day. She has learned to play in her crib before and after we put her to bed, so we leave two little stuffed animals with her to talk to. Bath time is so fun, because for some reason I find it so funny to watch a baby crawl around in 4 inches of water...she is literally all over the place during bath time!
Although I don't want eleven months to seem anti-climactic, she hit double digits last month and now all the focus seems to be on her 1st birthday next month! It is fun to think of how different our holidays will be this year. We look forward to creating some fun birthday and holiday traditions in the months to come!

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