It was Bryan's 28th birthday a few weeks ago. We celebrated with a simple evening out to eat as a family. Bryan's parents came to stay with us that week, so they joined in the festivities. Bryan picked Cheesecake Factory as our dinner spot, and we enjoyed good food and even better cheesecake.
After we ate, we came home and Brylee gave her dad his birthday present.
The week of spring break, Brylee enjoyed 3 days of Nanny & Papa time. Bryan's parents came to stay with us and were able to watch Brylee during the day while we worked.
She is getting so much more interactive, and now loves reaching for toys & trying to hold them while bringing them to her mouth. It is so fun to watch her play.
Just the other night, Bryan and I went on our first official "date night" without Brylee. I have left her during the day before, but this was the first night I wouldn't be home to put her to bed. She did great, and we had a lot of fun at a fundraiser banquet.
We also just got back from a trip to Altanta, and I will share pictures of that trip soon!
You, my dear, are looking awesome!!!