How can it be that my new little baby is already four months old? Everyone tells you the time goes by so fast, and now I believe them. I have mixed emotions as my baby grows up...On one hand, the older she gets the more fun she gets. But on the other, I hate to lose my sweet precious newborn baby. It's amazing how each day I can love her more and more. I am so happy right now, and thank God for such a great family!
Life so far with Brylee:
- She sleeps from about 8:30 pm until 6:30 am
- She takes about 3-4 naps a day, anywhere from 30 min to 2 hours
- She still sleeps wrapped in her Swaddle, but we are currently working on weaning her from needing it to sleep
- She takes her paci well, and usually likes to fall asleep with it, and spits it out sometime in the middle of the night
- She takes her bottle well while I'm at work, and is still 100% on breast milk
- She laughs and smiles often, and recognizes us compared to strangers
- She loves her Sophie giraffe, and can now hold little toys like that for short periods of time & bring them to her mouth
- She still doesn't love tummy time, but can prop on her elbows for about 10 min, looking around, and eventually rolling over to her back
- She likes sitting in her bumbo seat, laying on her floor playmat, swinging when she's tired, and she just got a new jumber/exersaucer, which she seems to like (thanks Jake!)
- She loves laying on her back playing with her feet and sucking on her fingers
She's SO cute! I can't wait to see her again!!
ReplyDeleteI can't believe how big she is getting! She is so cute, Jamie! Love you!