Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Seven Months

As with many moms, I'm running a little behind, but am only a week late on a seven month Brylee update. There was no doctors appointment or big event associated with seven months. And when people ask me, "What is she up to these days?", there are actually few physical milestones that are different from 6 months. Brylee was an early sitter, so she already had mastered that. But she's not really rolling, crawling, or doing any other gross motor activity yet that is a measurable milestone. But seven months has been a HUGE month when it comes to personality, socialization, and cognitionn!

Brylee in bullet points:

- Her schedule is very consistent, the same as at six months. She still sleeps great at night, naps decently during the day, and eats well

- We have really started using formula to supplement this month. She nurses about 2-3 times a day and gets formula 2-3 times each day. She's pretty flexible about going from one to the other. Although, even with the formula, she does not take the minimum recommendation of 24 oz of milk each day...she just doesn't want to drink anymore, and would prefer her fruits & veggies

- She loves her cheerios now, and after a few weeks of gagging on them because she could not figure how to move them around in her mouth, she now is getting the hang of "chewing" and gumming them until she can swallow
- She's showing some interest in our food, and I've let her suck on watermelon & cantaloupe, but she freaks out if she bites off a piece and doesn't know what to do with it (I also freak out because it's usually a big enough piece to choke on). We try putting it in those mesh ring-pop looking things, but she definitely doesn't like it as much

Her personality is really shining through:

-She loves looking at people, and definitely does not know it is not polite to stare! Luckily, she's a cute baby and people don't mind the stares, and they usually smile back

- She loves reaching for things - she's beginning to reach & lunge out of our arms when she wants to grab something while we're holding her

- She still is a momma's girl. She will go to other people fine, as long as I'm nearby or completely out of the picture. If she can see me from afar, she gets upset

-She can follow just one command so far, which is simply "Kisses." She will open her mouth wide so we can kiss her. She will also do it to her stuffed animals if I bring them to her face

- I think she slightly understands the word "NO," because I use it when she bites me while nursing. Her usual reaction is to stop, and then to giggle, so I don't quite think I'm getting the point across (it doesn't help when I crack up laughing, though, because it is just so cute & funny!)

- She tries to manipulate things in her fingers, like picking up her Cheerios or smaller toys. She's just learning this, so is not very good yet

Overall, she is a very curious baby, and at a stage where she wants to reach & touch anything new. Other people are by far her favorite, and although a little shy, she usually reaches out to touch them. It is very rewarding watching her learn and discover her world around her!

Seven Months Old - June 23, 2011

(actually, these pictures were taken on July 3 because I had totally forgotten and we had been out of town...oops!)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Father's Day in Atlanta

You may remember a few months ago on our trip back from Atlanta, Bryan and I received a couple of free round trip tickets due to volunteering to get bumped from our flight. We used two of those tickets to spend Father's Day weekend in Atlanta with my family. It also happened to be the weekend the Texas Rangers were playing the Atlanta Braves in inter league baseball play. So here's our weekend in chronological picture diary format...

Brylee did great on her third plane trip. It was a slightly complicated trip, having to wait on the Dallas tarmac for an hour before we took off due to bad weather in Atlanta. When we finally were landing, it was the scariest landing I have ever experienced. During all of my years of flying, I have never been so scared during a landing. Our plane was being blown around in the wind, and it was the one and only time during all of my travels that I thought there was an actually chance we were going to crash. Thankful to God, we landed safely and had a great week! During our last trip to Atlanta, Brylee had not started solid foods yet, so we never though about needing a high chair. So our first morning, we had to do breakfast sitting on the kitchen counter. We soon remedied the situation by getting a portable high chair to keep at my parents house.
My parents had to work on Thursday, but when they got home, we all went out to get yogurt after dinner.

Brylee learned a new game while in Atlanta...Peek-a-Boo!

I would cover her head with her Lovie...

...then she would pull it off her face and giggle at me. So cute!She had her little spot set up in the living room with some toys we brought and some my parents are collecting

Friday night the whole family met up for dinner, then we headed to the Brave's stadium for the Rangers/Braves baseball game. Honestly, we were hoping to stand out a little more in our Ranger's gear, but the Brave's colors are red, white, & blue also, so you could hardly tell the difference except for the writing on our shirts.

Andrew, my youngest brother, Emily, David's girlfriend, and David, my middle brother

Bryan and I (leaving a perfect little space for Brylee... ha!)

Brylee was enthralled by watching all the vendors & fans walk by

Her new thing is blowing raspberries...she did it all weekend!

She stayed awake for the entire game, and fell asleep right at the end before the firework show

But as a good little girl, she stayed asleep through the entire thing, and slept like a champ that night

On Saturday, the boys went back to another afternoon baseball game, while the girls spent time doing "girly" things. Brylee hung out with us while we got pedicures.

She was very interested in what they were doing to our feet. We then went shopping, to the grocery store, and home to watch a chick-flick.

My mom captured a few cute expressions. How can you not love this "thinker"...

...or this "smiler"...

... or this "giggler."

My parents have a blow up baby tub at their house, but she has almost outgrown it, so we tried taking a "big girl bath" for the first time. She loved it, as usual with her other baths.

Everything these days goes into her mouth. I love her full, after-dinner-belly protruding over!

My parents recently got back from a mission trip to Mexico, and brought Brylee this adorable seniorita dress! Brylee got the giggles around Uncle Andrew for no apparent reason. It made us all laugh!

Sunday morning we celebrated a casual Father's Day. We all went to church together, and cooked steaks at home for the dad's I love!

Happy Father's Day to the most wonderful dad I've every had!

And Happy First Father's Day to the most wonderful husband and Dad out there!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Visiting Grandmama

My sweet Grandmama was in Dallas last week visiting with my uncle. Brylee and I took my day off from work to go spend the whole afternoon with her. She is such a great Grandmama, and just loved on Brylee so much. She is my mom's mom, and her husband, my Grandaddy Bob, is partly who Brylee is named after. Brylee's full name is Brylee Olivia Brokaw, with the initials B.O.B. chosen purposefully. Both my Grandaddy Bob and Bryan's Grandpa Bob Hammitt were never able to meet Brylee in person, so we honored them by incorporating their name into her initials. I hope our grandfather's know how much they are loved and missed!

Brylee was very well behaved, and had a great afternoon!
My Uncle Mike lives with my Grandmama, and he loved interacting with Brylee

Just before we left, Brylee had a giggle-fest, and was cracking us all up. I'm so thankful to have a fourth generation girl who gets to spend time with her great grandmother, Grandmama!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Daily Happenings

Our good friend from church, Tara, continues to watch Brylee the couple times a week I work. She is a great photographer, and just got a new camera, and blessed us with these cute pictures last week.

Her sweet girl, Maddie, is a BIG helper with Brylee. She lets me know each day I pick Brylee up that Brylee had a good day!

Daily Happenings

Just some cute pictures I found on my phone while we were out and about! Enjoy!

Celebrating my birthday while strolling through the yogurt shop...mmmmnn!
First ride sitting like a big girl in the grocery cart!

She LOVED being able to look around!