Monday, January 24, 2011

Two Months

We went to the pediatrician this morning for Brylee's two month wellness check, and here's what we look like:
She weighs 11 lbs 12.5 oz (75%) and is 23 1/4 inches long (75-90%). She looks great, with just a little skin issues. She has mild eczema on her face, belly, and back, and a good case of cradle cap. She got her first round of shots this morning, which made for a sad and cranky day.
She is such a happy baby, especially since we have become more regulated with nap time and play time. She slept for 8 hours through the night two days in a row last week, but then reverted back to our usually 4-6 hour stretches this week (which I still can't complain about). She holds her head up really well and looks around side to side, following objects and us as we come and go. I think she has started discovering her hands - she puts them in her mouth now, not to suck on them or when she's hungry, but when she's playing.

We had a hard time getting her to wake up for these pictures, as you can see by the big yawn, followed by closed eyes.

My sweet, pretty babe, growing so fast. I can't believe it has been over two months since she was born.

Two Months - January 23, 2011


  1. What a beautiful big girl! I can't believe she is already 2 months old. It goes by way to fast! And, way to go Brylee!! Keep sleeping for your mama!

  2. I LOVE that pic of her on the scale! Her expression is priceless!

  3. Hi Jamie! Just came across your blog. Brylee is beautiful! Hope to see y'all soon! :)
