After my C-section, the doctor originally told me I would probably go home Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, which was kind of disappointing because I was really looking forward to being home with my family in my own bed on Thanksgiving day. Luckily, Thursday morning, the doctor said I was looking good and it would be up to me if I went home that afternoon or wait until Friday morning. I had to stay for at least 48 hours after Brylee's birth, so at 3:30 Thursday afternoon, my nurse started getting all my discharge paper work together. It took a little longer than I thought, but by 5:30 Thanksgiving night we were saying goodbye to Presby Allen Hospital and hello to Brylee's new home.
Our new family
Bryan loading his new baby girl into the car. Brylee didn't mind being in her car seat when the car was moving, but as soon as we stopped at a light, she got a little fussy. It became pretty funny by the end of the ride home!
Bryan intentionally put up our house Christmas lights the weekend before we admitted to the hospital because he wanted Brylee to come home to a cheerful house! My sweet family decorated both the outside & inside of the house with "Welcome Home Baby" decorations - very cute!
Bryan loading his new baby girl into the car. Brylee didn't mind being in her car seat when the car was moving, but as soon as we stopped at a light, she got a little fussy. It became pretty funny by the end of the ride home!
Bryan intentionally put up our house Christmas lights the weekend before we admitted to the hospital because he wanted Brylee to come home to a cheerful house! My sweet family decorated both the outside & inside of the house with "Welcome Home Baby" decorations - very cute!