Monday, November 29, 2010

Welcom Home Brylee

After my C-section, the doctor originally told me I would probably go home Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, which was kind of disappointing because I was really looking forward to being home with my family in my own bed on Thanksgiving day. Luckily, Thursday morning, the doctor said I was looking good and it would be up to me if I went home that afternoon or wait until Friday morning. I had to stay for at least 48 hours after Brylee's birth, so at 3:30 Thursday afternoon, my nurse started getting all my discharge paper work together. It took a little longer than I thought, but by 5:30 Thanksgiving night we were saying goodbye to Presby Allen Hospital and hello to Brylee's new home.

All bundled and leaving the hospital. It was pretty cold Thanksgiving night.
Our new family

Bryan loading his new baby girl into the car. Brylee didn't mind being in her car seat when the car was moving, but as soon as we stopped at a light, she got a little fussy. It became pretty funny by the end of the ride home!

Bryan intentionally put up our house Christmas lights the weekend before we admitted to the hospital because he wanted Brylee to come home to a cheerful house! My sweet family decorated both the outside & inside of the house with "Welcome Home Baby" decorations - very cute!

We had to snap a quick picture because it was SO COLD outside!

Our 2-year-old beagle was a little unsure of Brylee at first.

My sweet girl! She wore home a sweater dress that I wore when I was a baby 27 years ago!

First picture in her bedroom - 2 days old - first day at home!


Hospital Visitors

We had so many people come visit us in the hospital. Brylee enjoyed all of her visitors those first two days, and we felt very loved and encouraged! Thank You!

Our sweet niece, Jillian, got to be the first cousin to hold Brylee.

Brylee's cousin, Todd, imparted some good wisdom to Brylee the night she was born.

Bryan's sister, Lisa, made the trip to come meet Brylee Tuesday night, despite their holiday plans. Thanks, Bailey's! Brylee can't wait to get to know her cousins, aunts, & uncles.

My brother, David, flew in from Atlanta Tuesday night, and stayed with us all week. He is such a great uncle!

The Bruce's have been so encouraging prior to Brylee's birth, and we're so excited to finally meet her Tuesday night!

The Shiver's came to meet Brylee & introduce one of her future suitors (they are expecting one of the many boys born at church this year!)

Ashley was first to stop by Saturday morning, and was a great encouragement about how to deal with recovering after a C-section.

Tara came to meet Brylee, and will be spending much more time with her in the future.

My grandmother came by to meet her newest great-granddaughter. There are currently four generations of us girls.

My Uncle, Grandmother, Mom, & Uncle

Our friends, Mike & Julie, stopped by Wednesday afternoon! We also can't wait to meet their little one on the way!

Gaynell was also finally able to meet Brylee (a lot of people were expecting her arrival much earlier, including me!) Her husband, Mike, came by later that night after work, but apparently missed getting their picture together.

John & Kim came by Wednesday night on their way out of town! We appreciated all the people able to stop by, despite it being so close to Thanksgiving.

Our friend, Jordan, stopped by to meet her hopeful future daughter-in-law. Bryan's not too excited about all these baby boy suitors Brylee has already!

Greg Pirtle happy to welcome Brylee as an honorary member of the youth group at church.

The Thompsons stopped by to say Hi Wednesday evening.

And late Wednesday night, some old family friends from when we used to live in Dallas, stopped by to meet Brylee and spend time with my parents. The Cole's and my parents go way back to when we were children.

Thanks to everyone who came by, and all your well wishes!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Brylee Olivia...Happy Birth Day!

November 23, 2010, was a very special day for the Brokaw Family. The following is a photo diary of the events of November 23

Last belly picture at 40 weeks & 3 days pregnant. We left for the hospital at 5 am for our scheduled induction.

They started pitocin at 6:30 am. The doctor broke my water and by 10 am I was really feeling the contractions, so asked for an epidural. After the epidural, I was feeling much better.
To make a long story short, after pushing for 2+ hours and getting no where, (the last hour was without the epidural because they clamped it off hoping it would help me push), we ended up having a semi-emergency C-section. I was very unhappy, overwhelmed, & upset at first, but ended up with the prize of my life at the end.

At 3:24 pm, we welcomed our precious baby girl, Brylee Olivia Brokaw into this world.
My doctor & the hospital were GREAT! I was so worried because of the C-section, they were going to take her away & I wasn't going to be able to enjoy her first moments of life. But they kept her about 8 feet from me the entire time, and Bryan was able to come & go between
the both of us.
She was a healthy, big baby, weighing 8 lbs and 15 oz (1 oz shy of being 9 lbs! Big Girl!) and 19.5 inches long.

What a beauty!

I knew I would be emotional when I saw her, but I cried with such tears of joy when I got to hold & kiss her
Our first family photo. I was so swollen & puffy with fluids & meds (and a lot of crying), so I could barely open my eyes or smile.
I even love her crying (which I'm sure I'll enjoy less & less at 4 in the morning!)
What a proud Daddy! Bryan did SO GOOD during the entire process. He was there for me the entire time, and although doesn't enjoy all things medical, he handled himself like a champ during the C-section!
My super proud parents, who became grandparents for the first time last Tuesday.
Bryan's parents who waited so patiently for their first chance to see their new granddaughter.
Bryan got to perform the first diaper change Tuesday night.

We had such a great hospital stay, with great nurses and such a great doctor. Although Brylee didn't enter this world exactly how we expected, she was born healthy & happy and we couldn't have asked for more!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Day 282 Pregnant...last day!

I honestly can't believe I made it to 40 weeks & 2 days pregnant! And today is the last day of my first pregnancy. What a good pregnancy this has been. Tomorrow we head to the hospital at 5:30 am to be induced. I was really hopeful it would not come to that (and I guess I still have about 8 hours to go into labor on my own), but apparently my little girl is a stubborn one! For the last 3 weeks we have been playing the "waiting game," with Bryan's cell phone available at all times, expecting to go into labor at any moment. Who can blame us... I have been dilated to 4cm & 100% effaced for the last two weeks! But for some reason, she is happy & content staying put despite my body trying to get ready.

I am very grateful for such a smooth pregnancy. I was not sick at all, minimally tired during that first trimester, and able to work all the way up to last Friday (1 day shy of my 40 week due date!) And honestly, as I ran errands with my family today and passed by my work, I thought to myself, I really could have been working today (although having this weekend to relax and be with family has been very nice).
I have to admit I am a little nervous about this whole induction thing tomorrow (which is funny, because I have not been nervous about going into an unplanned labor this entire time). But mostly, I am just excited to meet our little girl! I pray she is healthy, beautiful, and sweet natured. I pray I have caring nurses who help me through this. I pray for my anxious & excited husband who tells me every day he can't wait to meet his girl.
We can't wait for everyone to come meet Brylee! We will do our best about updating this blog and posting pictures of our baby as soon as possible. Thanks for all your thoughts & prayers ahead of time!