Saturday, September 25, 2010

Nursery Work Weekend

So a couple weeks ago my wonderful parents came to town to help us work on Brylee's room. I had looked for weeks for nursery bedding I liked, and could not find anything. So my mom offered to help me make our own. It turned out wonderful! I'm still working on finishing touches & decorations for the room, but here are some sneak preview pictures of our work weekend and our home-made bedding!
We started Saturday morning around 10 am and worked all day, and then finished up Sunday after church. It was a quick weekend, as my parents had to leave on Sunday evening, but we got a lot done!

Bryan and my dad painted the nursery a bright yellow....not lemon or sunshine yellow, but a deep, pretty yellow. I love the color!

They did a great job!

Horrible picture, I know...but I did help sew all weekend (although my mom was the mastermind behind it all)

My talented mom

Room furniture assembly time

Changing table with quilt (although not a great picture of the full quilt)

Crib with home-made bumber!

Overall room...I love it!

I have done more since these pictures were taken, but I'm waiting until I've finished the room to post a full "Nursery Picture" blog. Until then, hope you like it as much as I do!


  1. Cute!!!! I like the fabrics you chose. See you soon!

  2. I LOVE how it turned out!! SO CUTE! I can't wait to see it in person!
