Last Wednesday....IT happened. I have been looking forward to IT for months now. I have been dreading IT for the last few weeks. I can't believe IT is already here. Yes...Brylee turned ONE!
Today we went to the pediatrician for Brylee's 12 month check up. Her stats continue to encourage us that we have a healthy, growing little girl. She weighs 20lb 9oz (25-50%), is 29.5 inches tall (50-75%), and head circumference is 18.25 inches (75-90%...from the very beginning her head has always been well developed, hence the C-section!)
Her mobility is getting better and better each day. She is so close to walking, and stands unsupported all the time, and can stand from a squatted position without holding on to anything. She has taken up to 5 steps on her own, but gets going so fast she always falls to her knees. Any day now I'm expecting her to take off. Although we are still chasing her all around the house since she is a speed crawler.
It is so fun to see this little girl grow up. She loves discovering new things, figuring out how new toys work, and seeing new places. She has started to point at objects, she babbles all the time, and speaks with inflection and tone in her voice as if she understands exactly what she is trying to tell us. She is very into the ducks, all dogs, and giving hi-fives. She has recently learned how to push little cars along the floor, and absolutely loves riding in her new Cozy Coupe car.
I have a very happy girl, but occasionally, although I hate to admit it, I also have a little drama queen. When she is not getting her way she can flip a switch and be very whinny, especially when she is tired or hungry. We are working hard to develop good habits early, including our reactions to her drama.
She has almost weened herself from baby foods, and wants to try whatever we are eating. She loves yogurt, bread, cheese, and bananas, and eats a lot of other stuff well too. We have been adding whole milk to her formula lately, and the pediatrician told us today it was ok to stop formula all together since she is not anemic. We're still working on transitioning from a bottle to a sippy cup, and I'm really hoping for a drama free transition.
In this season of thanksgiving, I reflect on how incredibly blessed I have been over the last year. I have an incredible husband who loves me and our daughter more than anything in this world. I have a daughter who relies on me for most of her well being. I have wonderful parents and in-laws who taught Bryan and I how to be good parents. And most of all I have a God who has given me the grace, love, and wisdom to be a wife, mother, friend, and daughter. I still cannot believe that I have a one year old. Life is very fun right now. I am excited and nervous about what year two will bring us. I'm looking forward to all the learning that is beginning to occur. I know Brylee relied on me as a parent last year, but I am really looking forward to this next year of teaching and showing her how to live life. It is true what they of the hardest jobs with the greatest reward is being a parent!